Feb 13Liked by Michael S. Atkinson

I don't know why it took me so long to figure out who these folks were. Also, I see you there, Clancy!

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Is it weird that I now have a version of the Four Horsemen (technically Three Horsemen and a Lady) in my head that are clearly defined enough for me that they may not be clear enough to readers because I figure *I* know who they are so everybody else should too?

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Feb 13Liked by Michael S. Atkinson

No--it worked! Any more detail I would have felt less proud of myself for figuring it out. I don't know why I also associate the four horsemen with trains. I have a story (or serial?) idea floating around that has four trains arriving instead of four individuals on those trains. Still in ideation phase, but it's in my note-taking draft on Gibberish!

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Now *there's* an idea. ...

I confess I myself would like to write something lengthier with these characters. I don't have an idea as to what, it might not even have reached ideation phase, but they're there, waiting for their cue, as it were...

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Feb 13Liked by Michael S. Atkinson

Collab, perchance?! We might be able to smoosh our ideas together and come up with something good...

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Feb 13Liked by Michael S. Atkinson

I'll get in touch with you in short order and we can start brain-stormin!

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