Welcome to My World

First, the basics. I’m Michael Atkinson (which, surprisingly, doesn’t narrow it down; there’s more of us than you’d think out there). I write comic fantasy and speculative fiction, which includes everything from angels to sci-fi to superheroes. Here’s what I write on a weekly basis:

  1. Every Sunday, I realize a chapter in an ongoing superhero story serial collection, Tales from Edison City. The vibe here is less serious, more fun, less DC, more Marvel, although with a healthy bit of Mystery Men in there as well. I release one chapter per week, every Sunday afternoon.

  2. Every Friday, I do a short story about angels or CHM and Co. defending their city, or other type of flash fiction.

  3. Every Saturday afternoon, I write a personal newsletter, the Weekly Muse. Currently I am going back through an old copy of my Very First Novel. When I’m not recapping the novel, the newsletter contains more general observations on the world generally, superhero movies and other shows, my writing and the process therein, and other random topics.

  4. Every Tuesday, I write a short story, typically in response to a prompt posted by

    . These can be sci-fi, angels, or any genre really.

A few housekeeping notes:

  • All stories are free when posted and will remain so. Paid subscribers get a signed copy of my latest book, Who Killed Ron Raven?, a post-post apocalyptic superhero story with otters and a cameo from Santa!

  • The one thing I will not write about is politics; there are a myriad other writers more qualified to get into all that than I am. I may occasionally get into religion (I write about angels, c’mon, it’s unavoidable), but I’d rather not argue or anything along that line. I just want to have fun and write, you know?

  • About me: I’m a mid-thirties attorney from Southern Indiana, specifically a suburb across the river from Louisville, Kentucky. The attorney part brings me to a Very Important Disclaimer: I will not and cannot offer any legal advice on this Substack; if you need legal help, you need to seek out a practicing attorney licensed in your area and in the particular field that fits your situation. Any and all opinions on this Substack are my own. This Substack is not sponsored, funded, endorsed, or affiliated with any law firm whatsoever, and said hypothetical law firm has no role in its content or management. In short, the attorney bit is the day job: writing is my outlet.

  • Now that’s out of the way, more fun stuff: I’m married to an extraordinary person, with one small youngling who is the joy of our lives. I’m Catholic, I’m a longtime superhero movie nerd (more Marvel than DC, although I do like the DCAU and the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy), and I’m a self-published writer. This leads to the next bit.

What I’ve Written

So, first, there’s what I’ve already written and what’s ongoing. I’m not quite sure how to describe my genre; it’s sort of Touched by an Angel meets Douglas Adams. You might call it eschatological humor. One example: I wrote an entire story based on a mishearing of the line “Don’t go chasing waterfalls,” in the song by TLC as “Don’t go, Jason Waterfalls!” I also have a series on Amazon centered about an angel named Constance who has various adventures during which she frequently throws her halo. I’m tentatively calling this the Converse.

Did I mention I like puns? I do. I really do.

Anyway, my Amazon page is here. The Constance Series is here. I’m also on Kindle Vella.

To sum up, the main thing I want to do is have a bit of fun and look for the incongruous side of life. And also write. My first novel was a ripoff of The Silver Chair and the Redwall series (a girl named Lucy goes through a magic waterfall, meets a talking owl, and starts a quest to find a lost prince, so totally not like Narnia). I was young, bear with me. The point is, I love writing. Always have. If you like reading what I write about, welcome aboard and subscribe below. If you’re not able to do a full paid subscription but maybe just want to chip in something for the caffeine that keeps my creative juices flowing (I like Mountain Dew myself), there’s a button for that as well.

Buy Me a Soda/Pop/Coffee/Etc.

Subscribe to Michael’s Musings

In this mad wholesome corner of the 'Stack, you'll find stories about angels and other unusual characters, thoughts about my writing process, and ongoing serials about the superheroes of Edison City. Welcome to my world.


Indiana writer (across the river from Louisville), superhero movie nerd, maker of obscure references. Mad wholesomeness lives here.