The following story was inspired by ‘s Friday Flash Fiction prompt. A warning, though: my muse got its seasons mixed up and so this story is more Halloween-themed, if you will, than Valentine’s Day themed. Beware.
“And no one,” he concluded dramatically, “was ever seen again.”
Sean was the storyteller of the little friend group, that was for sure. When the fire chose that moment to make a particularly loud crackle-POP, both Stacy and Kelly jumped, and even Emmett looked shaky.
Only Ryan was unmoved. “Well, someone’s been watching old Nick at Night clips on YouTube again,” he said languidly. “Pretty sure that one was season 4, episode 12. Do better, dweeb.”
“Oh, like you could?” Sean fired back.
“Well,” Ryan said, “I did find an immortal’s diary once.”
This caused general amusement, partly because the idea was so random and partly because everyone needed the release of levity after the tension from Sean’s story. “Yeah, right, he gave it to you so you could live forever too, right?” Stacy said with a giggle.
“Yeah,” Ryan said. “Still got it, actually.” He rummaged in his backpack for a minute, and then tossed something over to her. “Look for yourself.”
Stacy caught it on reflex and then gasped. The book looked ancient, bound with cracked leather and filled with yellowed pages. She held it away from her gingerly, as if it would bite. “Take it back, Ryan, take it back.”
“Nah,” Ryan said, shrugging. “Don’t need it anymore.”
“Oh, let me see,” Sean said. Stacy tossed it over to him, relieved to be rid of it. Emmett opened it expecting to see Latin words or funny symbols or, maybe, a post-it from Ryan saying ha-ha it was all a joke, at which point he expected to laugh like a loon. What he saw, instead, were neatly written lines in obsessively tiny lettering in English, scribbled over and across with notes in different hands and different languages. He flipped several pages. It was the same: the original neat obsessive text, and wild notes on the side. They all seemed to be one word, two at the most, he noticed as he flipped another page, and then another, and all of a sudden he realized the words were in English, repeated over and over and over.
Help us.
“What the-” he said, looking up.
Everyone else had vanished. Only Ryan was left, and he had an odd look on his face, a look of regret?
“If you see Sean in there, tell him his story really wasn’t that bad. It’s only I’ve heard it before. I’ve heard it all before.”
The book thumped to the ground. Ryan, alone, kicked dirt over the fire. He was used to this by now.
Oh, wow, that was unexpected! Happy Valentine's day to you, too! 😂